Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Check Out, Shout Out!

Imagine Off Broadway
Celebrate, dance and sing with us at the world premiere of our new show:

New York International Fringe Festival - FringeNYC
A production of The Present Company
Tickets $10 and $15. For tickets visit www.FringeNYC.org
Tickets are limited.

CSV Cultural and Educational Center - Flamboyan, 107 Suffolk Street, New York, New York 10002
(Rivington & Delancey Streets)

Saturday, August 15 @ Noon
Sunday, August 16 @ 3:45pm
Thursday, August 20 @ 7:30pm
Thursday, August 27 @ 6:00pm
Sunday, August 30 @ 2:45pm

All actors are part of the ongoing Imagine Project creativity workshops. Half our cast members come to us from our programs in New York CityHomeless Shelters.

Based on ideas and improvisations of their own creation, our cast of twelve young actors brings to life eight contemporary stories filled with beauty, humor and magic expressed in their own words. Themes dealing with topics as universal as "LOVE," "WHAT IF?" "YA GOTTA LEAVE THIS WORLD A BETTER PLACE!" "IDEAS Parts I and II" as well as the fairy-tale-silliness of "MAGIC SHOES" and "THERE AIN'T NO ROYAL PRINCE IN BROOKLYN" illuminate the joys, doubts, and fears that young people so often express as they try to make sense out of the sense-less.

Can't wait to see you there!

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