Friday, August 14, 2009

Lessons from my Kitty!

I wanted to share with you what I am learning from watching and playing with my cat because even though I only had him for a month he has taught us a lot.

1. You always have time to play. Its not about how much you do but that you do.
2.Curiosity, Curiosity, Curiosity!
3. Everyday objects are toys, thanks to the power of imagination.
4.Pouncing is an art!
5. While I am at it being sneaky is too!
6. The opposite of Play is Rest. We all need breaks during our workday to refresh us all.
7. Play knows no time, you can do it anytime of day.
8.Be vocal about your needs and do anything to get them across, knock down papers, jump on computers, scratch sofa's, by any means necessary tell your owners you need new litter, pet, or play.
9. I may slide and hit my head on the door but next time I know my limits and I know when to stop.
10. Cute will get you in the door but fearlessness will get your further!

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